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The documentary was able to highlight key themes in the provision of student mental health services: however it wasn't possible, given the time constraints, to dive deep into the data. On this page you'll find a number of news articles, feature pieces, and infographics all designed at going one step further than the documentary.


With data it is only ever possible to present the statistics - from there it is open to interpretation - these pieces look to provide an objective balance as we explore the potential reasoning behind the data.


 All the data has been obtained from original FOIs to each university.


Students accessed university-funded mental health services throughout the 2020/21 academic year: an increase of nearly 100,000 since 2015/16.

What's behind the increase?

Explore the factors contributing to the increase in students accessing mental health services and why some say it's a good thing.


of Arts University Bournemouth students accessed mental health support in 2020/21 - the second largest proportion in the country.


Pieces of data obtained to produce the documentary. Find out more about how the documentary came to fruition.

What are students saying?

Explore what students have to say about their experiences accessing university mental health services.

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